Six months ago, we were invited to unite on an expedition.

Yesterday was the final day of The Sacred Leadership Training, led by Michelle Long lifelong sister and founder of The Practice for Women.  Arriving one woman, only to unravel to ripen again. 

New and familiar faces, each woman in different points on our journeys, lives colliding to find our way on the same path. The underlying thread and constant connection – sisterhood. We made a vow and sincere devotion to explore the uncharted waters and inner realms of our true essence. Unlock our voices and inner knowing through sacred listening and acceptance. To show up again and again, as we guided ourselves back to ourselves, over and over. Even when everything in us told us to run, to retreat.

Asked what we needed to let die to fully live. A process of self-discovery through intention, death, and rebirth, success, and triumph. Founded on sacred space, a safe nest to rest. Hearts open and exposed, bare and beautiful just as we are.

We challenged past beliefs and limitations, stories told and repeated to ourselves and others. Cried tears of sadness and loss, happiness, and gratitude. Laughed, danced, and sang. Communed in circle and silence, witnessing and honoring our emotions and one another. Gazed in the eyes of each other, leaned into discomfort and fear, held steady, and survived. Walked through the flames confident and wiser, transformed.

Words cannot explain the magic that transpired, it is an experience recognized through body and spirit.

Through feminine touch and movement, silent prayer, and the rhythm of our breath, we intertwined and connected with our higher Self. Claimed our truth and honored our authenticity, sustained self-authority, and soared into our Wild Grace.

We gave and continue to give reverence to the leaders we are– wise, bold, beautiful, and resilient. To those before, present, and after us, and to the great Mother Earth, that holds us all.

Trusting who we once were to set us free to the leaders we are meant to become. 

All beginnings have an end, and all endings have a beginning.

This is just the beginning of our work in service to Self and others. I am excited and privileged to continue walking this path with lifelong soul sisters and witness how our own unique message and gifts will translate into the world.


Just the Beginning


Beginner Boots