My Book
Wild Horse, Wild Heart
by Dina Varellas
Are you feeling stuck and overwhelmed? Disconnected from your body’s wisdom and curious about your desires? Do you want to uncover deeper meaning and joy? This book is for you!
Wild Horse, Wild Heart is a tale of romance between a woman and a horse. It is a story of the wonder and magic of the Universe, connection and chasing curiosity, and learning how to rest our minds. And, when we do, how it creates the ability to hear the language of our soul in the many ways it speaks to us through inspiration and intuition, unleashing our infinite potential.
Wild Horse, Wild Heart is your guide to slowing down and tuning in. Each chapter is filled with real-life inspiring stories, practices, and reflective writing prompts designed to uplift and reacquaint you with your natural abilities and instincts.
Inside, you’ll discover:
How to listen and connect to your intuition.
The courage to answer the call of your inspiration.
The capacity to follow your heart’s calling and faith to leap.
One of the most powerful life lessons that horses offer us is that everything begins with exploring the relationship with ourselves. They provide a powerful invitation to slow down, breathe, become present in our bodies and surroundings, and connect with our hearts.
Wild Horse, Wild Heart is designed to meet you where you are and offer clarity and support on where and how to begin.
Get your copy today!
Learn to expand and stretch beyond comfort.
Trust the limitless potential of the unknown and yourself, and reconnect with the untamed horse within.
The practices in the book will shift your perspective, allowing you to experience more love, compassion, peace, and joy. They will support you in cultivating trust and belief in yourself and your path, others, and the world.
Note: Prior experience or knowledge of horses, owning one, or being near a horse is not required to appreciate the practices and prompts. The only prerequisite is a curious and willing heart and mind.
Get your copy of Wild Horse, Wild Heart today, and start practicing.
Amazing, unexpected things can happen when
we follow our hearts, walk into the unknown, and open our hearts to something much more powerful than us.
For a behind-the-scenes look into the inspiration and magical unfolding of Wild Horse, Wild Heart, you can check out my stories Wild Horse, Wild Heart, and A Life Worth Living.
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I appreciate your support.
“I've always liked horses, but admittedly, had never thought all much about them, but Ms. Varellas not only makes such a personal connection tangible and interesting and even, at times, dramatic, but she uses her experience to explore so much more, like fear of the unknown...”
“A heartfelt primer on learning to listen, trusting your intuition, exploring your feelings, following your heart, overcoming fear, and learning to ride and write. I'm going to send Ms. Varellas' book to my niece who rides competitively and is about to enter high school...”
“Have you ever marveled at someone's fearlessness and wondered how they got that brave?? Ms. Varellas will take on that inspirational journey one breath at a time. Her story is a guide to never giving up on your dreams...”
“This is a beautiful book that offers subtle wisdom in the form of bite-sized vignettes (that can stand alone but also string together into a really well-told story) and corresponding mindfulness practices. ...There's a lot of layers at work in this book, and I definitely recommend it for anyone who appreciates introspection, mindfulness and reflection-style journaling.”
“I read and wrote my way through this book over the course of two weeks, and it was such a wonderful and healing experience in more ways than I'd expected. ...I think that whoever reads this book, whatever their background, will find that Wild Horse, Wild Heart is an enriching, healing, and deeply grounding journey, one that gently leads its reader towards positivity and growth. Thank you for this treasure.”