Call to Rise, Born to Lead
Trusting who we once were to set us free to the women and leaders we are meant to become.
I have embarked on a new journey, yetagain. This time I am committed to becoming a Certified Leader of The Practice,founded by Michelle Long, The Practice for Women.
As one of our assignments, we wereasked to write and reflect on, "why am I here now?"
Though this question was not clear a month ago, it is more transparent as I sit here today.
To be of service to Self and othershas been swirling in my heart and body for some time. The nature of the wordand meaning to be of "service" never entirely clear, however.
I started this chapter with Michelleand fellow sisters at The Practice just about a year ago. My curiosity got methrough the door. My why, not sure.
I have been on an inward journey for afew years. Exploring the Ancient Text and Tradition of Yoga and studying withone of my teachers, a translator of the Tradition into modern day definitionand way of being through suggested awareness practices.
Given tools and exercises in the wayof homework, practices to consider, incorporate at home and throughout mostmoments of the day, weeks, months, and years. Expanding my yoga experience fromwhat was once a physical realm, now integrated as life's spiritual practice. Ilearned to question thoughts and their false sense of reality. To sit indiscomfort and trust that I was safe. I made a sincere promise and commitmentthrough consistent effort and reverence. Among that revealed my capacity tofollow thru on a promise and to believe I could change behaviors and beliefs. Ilearned to hold compassion for myself and others. To see through a clearer lensvs. one of judgment and reaction. I exposed molds and stories I operated fromand repeated over and over.
I worked on self-acceptance. Acquired skills to quiet my mind and calm the nervous system through meditation, conscious movement, pranayama (breath techniques), and Vedic chanting. Inspired to create space, pause, and slow down, I questioned choices and shined a light on habitual ways of living. I noticed how decisions I made supported or drove me further away from my desires and aspirations. Preferences that endorsed my true essence or distanced me further from my truth.
Who was I really?
I was learning to reprogram a mindsetbased on limitation, judgment, and expectation and start anew. I embraced aholistic approach and healed my physical body, mind, and spirit.
Crippled by anxiety, I detached myselffrom Western medication thought once dependent. I learned I am not the thoughtsof fear once repeated. Able to hold my own in discomfort, and each opportunitythat arose to practice, a chance to heal and discover something new.
I aligned with coaches and intuitivehealers. Held steady as I explored darker, vulnerable edges. Parts once avoidedthrough distraction – men, sex, alcohol, shopping, excessive working out, food,TV, social media, etc.
I got intimate with my internallandscape. I learned to connect with mysense of innate value, self-worth, and love. I began to awaken, become aware ofthe light and woman behind the veil. I questioned everything and at timeswanted to turn away and run back to the innocent little girl.
To be able to share this wisdom is anhonor, a gift. To provide an outlet, a method, and a mindset that encouragesfreedom. To find comfort in fears that keep us up at night, and not to beafraid or feel shame for our emotions. Reminding women to come back tothemselves, unwound and unravel deep-rooted ways of being. Welcome an open,curious, and compassionate approach towards discovery and possibility in theunknown.
We are capable. With the embrace of aloving hand, we will find our way home.
A year ago, I was ready to teachagain. How that tasted and felt, not sure. When life felt heavy, I retreated.
After my first Practice pop-up, I knewI had found the next step on my path. Timely, I felt a nudge and listened tothe call. Ready to do more profound work, allow for rest, further healing, andtransformation.
I signed up for the Wild GraceImmersion while simultaneously participating in The Practice. I witnessed womenhealing, coming together, and opening in ways I had not seen in a typical yogaclass. It was as if all of what I had learned up to that point collided intoone sacred space. A comprehensive practice that leads women back to themselves.No prerequisites required.
Though the movement new, it wasfamiliar. Something I had done before and what my body hummed for.
I connected to my inner child andsensual goddess. To the young girl dancing to Whitney Houston in the hallway ofmy childhood home. Slow dancing to Van Morrison or rocking out to Tom Petty inthe privacy of my living room. Volume turned up; my spirit connected to themelody.
Another layer of healing throughmeditation, journaling, sharing, movement, practicing, and ritual. Learning thelanguage of my body, genuinely listening to the wisdom she holds and leadingfrom that place.
As a leader of The Practice, I am onthe expedition with the women. I am not Enlightened, nor do I wish to hold thepresence of a Master Guru. I come just as I am. A spiritual translator with myown unique splash.
A gift I aspire to share. Create asanctuary for women to lean into and move through emotion. To guide women backto themselves. To uncover and discover, undo, and become the women they aremeant to be. Raw and vulnerable, imperfectly perfect. Connection throughorganic practices, graceful movement, and palpable stories. Sisterhood.
Magic unfolds as we learn to love andappreciate our bodies. Trust our innerknowing, learn to source, and lead from this wisdom.
A bold journey complete with bravery and beauty.
This is The Practice. This is my why.