Wild Cowgirl
Surrendering to and trusting my intuition feels like freedom. It is expansive and limitless.
It's grabbing the halter and lead rope with confidence, opening the gate, and walking into the wide-open aired pasture. The rays of the sun beat down on my face and chest, warming my skin and melting the layers of resistance and doubt. As I stand in the heat, I begin to dethaw. My spirit called back, the sass and charm of the wild cowgirl within. The one that tastes fear but is now brave enough to push the edge of discomfort.
I pause to catch my breath and remember my intention – to be open, curious, playful, present, and connect. The depth and smoothness of my breath signals to my body that I am safe, sending a message to my mind letting me know that I am OK. "You've been here before; I believe in you," she whispers.
I smell the sweetness of the grass and wet dirt beneath my boots. I proceed with hesitation and eagerness. My heart pulses and elevates, my breath subtle.
Suddenly overcome with giddiness and butterflies, I turn the corner to see the one my heart came for. My deepest joy. Something larger draws me towards the regal white being standing bold and beautiful before me. His energy and spirit collide with mine. It's a delicate dance as we mirror and spring reflections off one another.
Time stands still, and separation foreign. At this moment, we are one—a sacred bond.
It is a content knowing that can only occur when I surrender and embody the faith in the promise we have made to one another.
Led through indecision and doubt, my soul arrives with a sigh of embrace and a deep appreciation of exactly where it is supposed to be.
Surrendering to and trusting my intuition is embodying the wild cowgirl within. It is calling my spirit home.