My Mom

Born September 30, 1946.

A San Francisco native and passionate SF Giants fan.

She has fierce red hair, the color of a deep southern baked cherry pie.

She has shiny candy apple red nails on the tips of her fingers.She gives generously from her heart to the ones she adores.

She enjoys dabbling in watercolors and painting birds. As a birthday gift one year, I asked her to join me at a beginner’s art class. It was a joy to watch as she expressed herself through creativity and art.

She has a younger sister. They have the kind of relationship you admire.

She has three kids: two sons and a delightful daughter. I am the youngest.

Her skin is smooth and soft like a baby’s butt.

Her complexion of a teen. Did I tell you I have her skin? Thank you, mom.

She spoiled her kids with love, kisses, and admiration. She never missed a swim meet or football game.

She enjoys spending time with her family and gathering for a celebration. But don’t leave your glass unattended for too long. It will go missing. Only to find it cleaned and set to dry in the dish rack.

She has six grandchildren.

Three boys, one girl, one Reigner, and one Jax. Do I need to tell you who her favorite is?

She wears a smile that lights up a room.

She has a cheerful laugh you could recognize anywhere.

She didn’t shy away from a good dose of tough love. I learned what not to do by watching her reaction to my brother’s mischief.

She treats herself to a delightful Sunday morning - coffee in bed, Sunday paper and book within reach, or a good dose of conversation with her best gal pal.

She loves to read and spend cozy evenings by the fireplace.

A Judge Judy and Downtown Abby enthusiast. A sharp puzzle maker and competitive card, bocce, and mahjong player.

She is a collector of memories. She creates fantastic photo collages for your birthday or special occasion—some of my favorite surprises.

She’s a devoted and dependable mother and grandma, sister and daughter, wife and ex-wife, and friend.

She loves to travel. I am forever grateful for the time she came to Mexico with me on a yoga retreat. I was heartbroken and in need of a mother’s care. Maybe not her favorite trip, it was one of mine and one I will never forget.

She has been married twice and divorced once.

She wears a wedding ring on her left hand, symbolizing chance, and unrequited love, only to be reunited again.

Her second marriage is where Connie got her groove back.

Determined, she pursued and persevered. Fell in love again and braved her wounded heart.

She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. Did I tell you she traced down her teenage crush only to discover him again after 23+ years?

She gave her family one of the greatest gifts, Joe.

She taught me it is never too late to fall in love and not to be afraid to do it more than once and that outcomes of great love reap the greatest rewards.

She taught me the importance of showing gratitude and offering appreciation.

To this day, I love to write thank you cards and send personal letters to friends and family.

She showed me what it is to be brave, take a risk, and follow your heart.

She is the first person I want to share exciting news with and the one I turn to when feeling blue or sick. You are never too old to need your mama’s care.

She is a woman that deserves recognition and praise—a woman to be celebrated.


Slow Down, Tune In


Wild Cowgirl